Selasa, 19 April 2011

Tugas Penulisan Bahasa Iklan

Communication Laboratory

B. Give at least one synonym

1. Exact >< Accurate 2. Commemorates >< Celebrate 3. Defend >< Keep 4. Keep >< Constant 5. Slant >< Product 6. Speed >< Hurry 7. Shape >< Form 8. Test >< Exercise 9. Choice >< Option 10. Brave >< Courage D. Change the Following negative statements into positive statements
1.Please remember the sales meeting at the end of the month
2.Succeed to ship this order by airfreight.
3.You miss date to provide a delivery
4.We are pending your order because our plant is closed until July 15.
5.Keep the product quality
6.Don’t anger customers by being late for an appointment.
7.We will act your request next.
8.We will remember your special request.
9.We will know our prices at April 1.
10.Always remember a costumer’s preference

Vocabulary and Spelling studies

A.Four words have similar meaning, which word is the intruder.
1.Offend ( menghina ) ; entreat, beg, implore (mengimbau)
2.Blossom, bloom, flower (berbunga) ; forbid ( melarang )
3.Fabricate, fashion, shape (membuat/cara) ; dodge (muslihat)
4.Meddle ; invent (menciptakan) ; interfere, tamper (ikut campur)
5.Revise ; denounce (menuduh) ; correct, remedy (memperbaiki)
6.Coarse, gross (kasar) ; refined (olahan) ; crude
7.Guarded, wary, watchful (hati-hati/waspada) ; open (terbuka)
8.Exception ; principle (prinsip) ; rule, regulation (peraturan)
9.Routine, customary (teratur) ; irregular (tidak teratur) ; uniform
10.Speculate, theorize, guess (perkiraan) ; validate (mensahkan)
11.Hide (menyembunyikan) ; disclose, communicate, tell (terbuka)
12.Knowledge, learning (pengetahuan) ; fiction (fiksi) ; information
13.Significant, meaningful (pasti/jelas) ; unimportant (tidak penting) ;serious
14.Complicated (rumit) ; elementary, basic, pure (dasar)

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

"Sales Letter"

February 27th, 2011

Daud Irawan, Mr.
CV. Environusa Dutapersada
Jakarta, 17113

Dear Mr. Irawan

When it comes to growing your business, having the right partner can make all the difference. No one understands that more than CV. Grafika Ikhlascom. That’s why CV. Grafika Ikhlascom has partnered with TransFirst, one of the nation’s leading credit card payment processors, to bring you flexible, dependable, Web-based payment processing solutions and customized reporting systems – all designed to help you boost sales, expand your customer base, and reduce risk.

Now you can access industry-leading expertise with more than 250 years of combined experience in the financial services and transaction processing industries, as well as a host of payment processing solutions and customized reporting systems such as :
• Gift and loyalty card programs
• Check verification and guarantee service
• Electronic check conversion
• Customized reports and helpdesk support 24/7
• 48-hour merchant settlement
• Easy-to-read statements and reconciliation
• PCI Standards programs

Regardless of your business, accepting credit cards is an easy way to increase revenue. Plus, if you already accept credit card payments, our competitive rates and exceptional service can make your life even easier. Call CV. Grafika Ikhlascom today at +628-219-762-7589 and put your business on the road to profitability.


Rio Wirahadiyan, Mr.
CV. Grafika Ikhlascom

Senin, 12 April 2010

The Audio-Lingual Method

The Audio-Lingual Method, like the Direct Method we have just examined, is also an oral-based approach. It is very different in that rather than emphasizing vocabulary acquisition through exposure to its use in situations, the Audio-Lingual Method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. Later in its development, principles from behavioral psychology (skinner 1957) were incorporated. It was thought that the way to acquire the sentence patterns of the target language was through conditioning-helping learners to respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement. Learners could overcome the habits of their native language and from the news habits required to be target language speakers.

In lessons later this week the teacher will do the following :
1. Review the dialog.

2. Expand upon the dialog by adding a few more lines, such as ‘I am going to the post office. I need a few stamps.’

3. Drill the new lines and introduce some new vocabulary items through the new lines, for example:
‘I am going to the supermarket. I need a little butter.’
‘… library. … few books,’
‘drugstore. … little medicine.’
4. Work on the difference between mass and count nouns, contrasting ‘a little/a few’ with mass and count nouns respectively. No grammar rule will ever be given to the students. The students will be led to figure out the rules from their work with the examples the teacher provides.

5. A contrastive analysis (the comparison of two languages, in this case, the students native language and the target language, English) has led the teacher to expect that the students will have special trouble with the pronunciation words such as ‘little,’ which contain /i/. the students do indeed say the word as if it contained /iy/. Then, when she feels they are ready, she drills them in saying the two sounds – first by themselves, and later in words, phrases, and sentence.

6. Sometimes towards the end of the week the teacher writes the dialog on the blackboard. She asks the students to give her the lines and she writes them out as the students say them. In another exercise, the students are given sequences of words such as I, go, supermarket and be, need, butter and they are asked to write complete sentences like the ones they have been drilling orally.

7. On Friday the teacher leads the class in the ‘supermarket alphabet game.’ The game starts with a student who needs a food item beginning with the letter ‘A.’ The student says, ‘I am going to the supermarket. I need a few apples.’ The next student says, ‘I am going to the supermarket. He needs a few apples. I need a little bread (or “a few bananas” or any other food item you could find in the supermarket beginning with the letter “B”).’ The third student continues, ‘I am going to the supermarket. He needs a few apples. She needs a little bread. I need a little cheese.’ The game continues with each player adding an item that begins with the next letter in the alphabet. Before adding his own item, however, each player must mention the items of the other students before him. If the student has difficult thinking of an item, the other students or the teacher helps.

8. A presentation by the teacher on supermarket in the united States follows the game. The teacher tries very hard to get meaning across in English. The teacher answers the students questions about the differences between supermarkets in the United States and open – air markets in Mail. They also discuss briefly the differences between American and Malian football. The students seem very interested in the discussion. The teacher promise to continue the discussion of popular American sports next week.

Although it is true that this was a very brief experience with the Audio Lingual method, let’s see if we can make some observations about the behavior of the teacher and the techniques she used. From these we should be able to figure out the principles underlying the method. We will make out observations in order, following the lesson plan of the class we observed.
Observation Principles
1. The teacher introduces a new dialog Language forms do not occur by themselves; they occur most naturally within a context
2. The language teacher uses only the target language in the classroom. Actions, pictures, or realia are used to give meaning otherwise. The native language and the target language have separate linguistic systems.
3. The language teacher introduces the dialog by modeling it two times; at other times, she corrects mispronunciation by modeling the proper sounds in the target language. One of the language teacher’s major roles is that of a model of the target language. Teachers should provide students with a good model. By listening to how it is supposed to sound.
4. The students repeat each line of the new dialog several times. Language learning is a process of habit formation. The more often something is repeated.
5. The students stumble over one of the lines of the dialog. The teacher uses a backward build up drill with this line. It is important to prevent learners from making errors. Errors lead to the formation of bad habits.
6. The teacher initiates a chain drill in which each student greets another. The purpose of language learning is to learn how to use the language to communicate.
7. The teacher uses single-slot and multiple slot substitution drills. Particular parts of speech occupy particular ‘ slots ‘ in sentences.
8. The teacher says, ‘ very good ‘, when the students answer correctly. Positive reinforcement helps the students to develop correct habits.
9. The teacher uses spoken cues and pictures Students should learn to respond to both verbal and nonverbal
10. The teacher conducts transformation and question-and-answer drills. Each language has a finite number of patterns. Pattern practice helps students to form habits which enable the students to use the patterns.
11. When the students can handle it, the teacher poses the questions to them rapidly. Students should ‘ overlearn ’, i.e. learn to anwer automatically without stopping to think.
12. The teacher provides the students with cues; she calls on individuals; she smiles encouragement; she holds up pictures one after another. The teacher should be like an orcherstra leader-conducting, guilding, and controlling the students behavior in the target language.
13. New vocabulary is introduced through lines of the dialog; vocabulary is limited. The major objective of language teaching should be for students to acquire the structural patterns.
14. Students are given no grammar rules; grammatical points are taught through examples and drills. The learning of a foreign language should be the same as the acquisition of the native language. The rules necessary to use the target language will be figured out or induced from examples.
15. The teacher does a contrastive analysis of the target language and the students native language in order to locate the places where she anticipates her students will have trouble. The major challenge of foreign language teaching is getting students to overcome the habits of their native language.
16. The teacher writes the dialog on the blackboard toward the end of the week. Speech is more basic to language than the written form. The ‘ natural order ‘- the order children follow when learning their native language-skill acquisition is listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
17. The supermarket alphabet game and a discussion of American supermarkets and football are included. Language cannot be separated from culture. Culture is not only literature and the arts; but also the everyday behavior of the people who use the target language.

At this point we should turn to the ten questions we have answered for each method we have considered so for.
1. What are the goals of teachers who use the Audio-Lingual Method?
Teachers want their students to be able to use the target language communicatively. In order to do this, they believe students need to overlearn the target language, to learn to use it automatically without stopping to think.
2. What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?
The teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the language behavior of her students. Students are imitators of the teacher’s model or the tapes she supplies of model speakers.
3. What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?
New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialogs. Grammar is induced from the examples given: explicit grammar rules are not provided. Cultural information is contextualized in the dialogs or presented by the teacher.
4. What is the nature of student-teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student interaction?
There is student-to-student interaction in chain drills or when students take different roles in dialogs, but this interaction is teacher-directed. Most of the interaction is between teacher and students and is initiated by the teacher.
5. How are the feelings of the students dealt with?
There are no principles of the method that relate to this area.
6. How is the language viewed? How is the culture viewed?
The view of language in the Audio-Lingual Method has been influenced by descriptive linguists. The system is comprised of several different levels: phonological, morphological, and syntactic. Culture consists of the everyday behavior and lifestyle of the target language speakers.
7. What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized?
Vocabulary is kept to a minimum while the students are mastering the sound system and grammatical patterns. A grammatical pattern is not the same as a sentence. The natural order of skills presentation is adhered to: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The oral/aural skills receive most of the attention. Pronunciation is taught from the beginning, often by students working in language laboratories on discriminating between members of minimal pairs.
8. What is the role of the students’ native language?
The habits of the students’ native language are thought to interfere with the students attempts to master the target language. A contrastive analysis between the students native language and the target language will reveal where a teacher should expect the most interference.
9. How is evaluation accomplished?
The answer to this question is not obvious because we did not actually observe the students in this class taking a formal test. Students might be asked to distinguish between words In a minimal pair, for example, or to supply an appropriate verb form in a sentence.
10. How does the teacher respond to student errors?
Student errors are to be avoided if at all possible through the teacher’s awareness of where the students will have difficulty and restriction of what they are taught to say.

If you are agree with the above answers, you may wish to implement the following techniques; of course, even if you do not agree, there are may be techniques described below that you are already using or can adapt to your approach.
Dialog memorization
Dialogs or short conversation between two people are often used to begin a new lesson. Students memorize the dialog through mimicry; students usually take the role of one person in the dialog, and the teacher the other. After the dialog has been memorized, pairs of individual students might perform the dialog for the rest of the class.
In the Audio-Lingual Method, certain sentence patterns and grammar points are included within the dialog. This patterns and points are later practiced in drills based on the lines of the dialog.
Backward build-up (expansion) drill
This drill is used when a long line of a dialog is giving students trouble. The teacher breaks down the line into several parts. Then, following the teacher’s cue, the students expand what they are repeating part by part until they are able to repeat the entire line.
Repetition drill
Students are asked to repeat the teacher’s model as accurately and as quickly as possible. This drill is often used to teach the lines of the dialog.
Chain drill
A chain drill gets its name from the chain of conversation that from around the room as students, one-by-one, ask and answer questions of each other. The first student greets or asks a question of the second student and the chain continues. A chain drill also gives the teacher an opportunity to check each student’s speech.
Single-slot substitution drill
The teacher says a line, usually from the dialog. Next, the teacher says a word or a phrase-called the cue. The students repeat the line the teacher has given them, substituting the cue into the line in its proper place. The major purpose of this drill is to give the students practice in finding and filling in the slots of a sentence.
Multiple-slot substitution drill
This drill is similar to the single-slot substitution drill. The difference is that the teacher gives cue phrase, one at a time, that fit into different slots in the dialog line. The students must recognize what part of speech each cue is, or at least, where it fits into the sentence, and make any other changes, such as subject-verb agreement.
Transformation drill
The teacher gives students a certain kind of sentence pattern, an affirmative sentence for example. Other examples of transformations to ask of students are changing a statement into a question, an active sentence into a passive one, or direct speech into reported speech.
Question-and-answer drill
This drill gives students practice with answering questions. The students should answer the teacher’s questions very quickly. Although we did not see it in our leson here, it is also possible for the teacher to cue the students to ask questions as well.
Use of minimal pairs
The teacher woks with pairs of words which differ in only one sound; for example, ‘ship/sheep’. Students are first asked to perceive the difference between the two words and later to be able to say the two words. The teacher selects the sounds to work on after she has done a contrastive analysis, a comparison between the students’ native language and the language they are studying.
Complete the dialog
Selected words are erased from a dialog students have learned. Students complete the dialog by filling the blanks with the missing words.
Grammar game
Games like the supermarket alphabet game described in this chapter are used in the A udio-Lingual Method. Students are able to express themselves, although it is rather limited in this game. Notice there is also a lot of repetition in this game.

Senin, 05 April 2010

Community language learning

Community language learning advises teachers to consider their students as ‘whole person’. Whole person learningmeans that teachers consider not only their students’ intelect, but also have some undrstanding of the relationship among students’ feeling, physical reactions, instinctiveprotective reactions, and desire to learn.
Some of the activities are:

1. The teacher greets the students, introduce himself, and has the students to introduce themselves to build a relationship
2. The teacher tells the students what they are going to dothat evening and explains the first activity procedure and sets a time limit so the students have an idea what will happen in each activity and feel more secure
3. Students use language for communication through a conversation
4. The teacher stands behind the students as due to his superior knowledge. The students’ learning is facilitated, the threat is increased if the teacher remain the front of the class room
5. The teacher translates what the students want to say in chunks to give them what they need to be succesful and be sensitive to students’ level of confidence
6. The teacher tells them that they have only a few minutes remaining for the conversation; that make students more secure to know the limits of an activity
7. Students are invited to talk about how they felt during the conversation. Sharing about their learning experience allows learner to get to know one another and built community
8. The teacher accepts what each student says in order to create an accepting athmosphere where learners feel free to lower their defense and learning experience becomesless threatening
9.The teacher understands what the studentssayThe teacher counsels the students ; doesn’t for advise but rather shows them that he is really listening to them and understand what they are saying
10. The students listen to the tapeand give the Indonesian translation. Students feel more secure when they undrstand everything because the native language is used to make the meaning clear
11. The teacher ask the students to form a semicircle in front of the blackboard so they can see easily because it’s the teacher responsibility to clear structuring activities to succeed the completition of the activity
12. The teacher reassures the students that they will have time later on to copy the sentences. Learning at the beginning stages is facilitated if students attend to one task at a time
13. The teacher ask the students to give the Indonesian equivalents as he points to different phrases in the transcript. The teacher encourage the students’ initiative and independence
14. The teacher reads the transcript three times when the students relax and listen because students need quiet reflection time in order to learn
15. The students learn to listen carefully to see if what they say matches what the teacher is saying. Student need to learn to discriminate, for example, in perceiving the similiarities and differences among the target language forms
16. Students work together in group of three. In groups, students can begin to feel a sense of community and can learn from each other as well as the teacher
17. The teacher corrects by repeating correctly the sentence the students have created. The teacher should work in a non threatening way with what the learner has produced
18. The students read their sentences one to another member of the class it can built trust and can help to reduce the threat of the new learning situation
19. The teacher plays the tape two more times while the students listen. Retention will best take places somewhere in between novelty and familiarity when the material is too new or conversely, too familiar


There are two basic kinds of suggestion: direct and indirect. Direct suggestions are directed to conscious processes, i.e., what one says that can and will occur in the learning experience, suggestions which can be made in printed announcements, orally by the teacher, and/or by text materials. Direct suggestion is used sparingly, for it is most vulnerable to resistance from the set-up. Indirect suggestion is largely unconsciously perceived and is much greater in scope than direct suggestion.

It is always present in any communication and involves many levels and degrees of subtlety. It speaks as the second plane of communication and considers it to encompass all those communication factors outside our conscious awareness, such as voice tone, facial expression, body posture and movement, speech tempo, rhythms, accent, etc. Other important indirect suggestive effects result from room arrangement, decor, lighting, noise level, institutional setting - for all these factors are communicative stimuli which result in terms non-specific mental reactivity. And they, like the teacher and materials can reinforce the set-up, preserve the status quo, or can serve in the desuggestive-suggestive process. In other words, everything in the communication/learning environment is a stimulus at some level, being processed at some level of mental activity.
The more we can do to orchestrate purposefully the unconscious as well as the conscious factors in this environment, the greater the chance to break through or “de-suggest” the conditioned, automatic patterns of our inner set-up and open the access to the great potential of our mental reserves.

Sources, History, Initial Results
The artful use of suggestion as a means of facilitating the learning and communication process is, of course, and has always been, a part of nearly all effective teaching and persuasive communication. Not until the past twenty years, however, has the phenomenon of suggestion begun to be methodically researched and tested as to how it can and does affect learning. In This early research, investigated individual cases of extraordinary learning capacities etc., and theorised that such capacities were learnable and teachable. He experimented with a wide range of techniques drawn from both traditional and esoteric sources, including hypnosis and yoga, and was able to accelerate the learning process quite dramatically.
A positively suggestive authority is one of the most effective means which we as teachers / doctors can use, if we use it sensitively, wisely and purposefully.
The authority we are speaking of here has nothing to do with authoritarianism, traditional “strictness” or “toughness”. The creator defines it as “the non-directive prestige which by indirect ways creates an atmosphere of confidence and intuitive desire to follow the set example”. Authority, in its positive, suggestive sense, is communicated through our “global” presence, through all our non-verbal as well as verbal signals. Students can sense when we embody the values and attitudes we “talk about”. And when there is congruency in the many levels of our communication, we become believable, compelling, worthy of respect.
Intonation is strongly connected with the rest of the suggestive elements. The intonation in music and speec In suggestopedia we do not talk about infantilization in the clinical sense of the word, nor of infantility. Infantilization in the process of education is a normal phenomenon connected with authority (prestige). Infantilization in suggestopedia must be understood roughly as memories of the pure and naive state of a child to whom someone is reading, or who is reading on his own. He is absorbing the wonderful world of the fairytales. This world brings him a vast amount of information and the child absorbs it easily and permanently.
An important moment in suggestopedia. The artistic organisation of the suggestopedic educational process creates conditions for concert pseudopassivity in the student. In this state the reserve capabilities of the personality are shown most fully. The concert pseudopassivity (concentrative psychorelaxation) overcomes the antisuggestive barriers, creating a condition of trust and infantilization in the student, who in a naturally calm state accompanied by a state of meditation without special autogenic training can absorb and work over a huge quantity of information. In this state both brain hemispheres are activated”.

The Audio Lingual VS Silent Way Method

As we enter the classroom, the first thing we notice is that the students are attentively listening as the teacher is presenting a new dialog, a conversation between two people. The students know they will be expected to eventually memorize the dialog the teacher is introducing. All of the teacher’s instructions are in English. Sometimes she uses actions to convey meaning, but not one word of the students’ native language is uttered. Then the teacher says: ok class listen carefully.

Two people are walking along a sidewalk in town aere named Sally and Bill. Listen to their conversation:
Sally: Good morning, Bill.
Bill : Good morning.
Sally: How are you?
Bill : Fine, thanks, And you?
Sally: Fine. Where are you going?
Bill : I’m going to the post office.
Sally: I am too. Shall we go together?
Bill : Sure. Let’s go.
Listen one more time. This time try to understand all that I am saying,’ Now she has the whole class repeaT each of the lines of the dialog after her model. They repeat each line several times before moving on to the next line. When the class comes to the lines, I’m going to the ppost office,’ they stumble a bit in their repetition. The teacher, at this point,, stops the repetition and uses a backward build-up drill (expansion drill). The purpose of this drill is to break down the troublesome sentence into smaller parts. The teacher starts with the end of the sentence and has the class repeat just the last two words, and the class repeats this expanded phrase. Little by little the teacher builds up the phrases until the entire sentence is being repeated.
TEACHER: Repeat after me: Post office
CLASS : Post Office
TEACHER: To the post office
CLASS : To the post office
TEACHER: Going to the post office
CLASS : Going to the post office
TEACHER: I’m going to the post office
CLASS : I’m going to the post office

Through this step-by-step procedure, the teacher is able to give the students help in producing the troublesome line. Having worked on the line in small pieces, the students are also able to take note of where each word or phrase begins and ends in the sentence.
In effect; the class is experiencing a repetition drill where the task is to listen carefully and attempt to mimic the teacher’s model as accurately as possible. Next the class and the teacher switch roles in order to practice a little more, the teacher saying Bill’s lines and the class saying Sally’s. Then the teacher divides the clas in half so that each half gets to try to say on their own either Bill’s or Sally’s lines. To further practice the lines of this dialog, the teacher has all the boys in the class take Bill’s part and all the girl take Sally’s.
She then initiates a chain d ill with four of the lines from dialog. A chain drill gives students an opportunity to say the lines individually. The teacher listens and can tell which students are struggling and will need more practice. A chain drill also lets students use the expressions in communication with someone else, eventhough the communication is very limited. The teacher addresses the student nearest her with, Good morning,Jose.’ He, in turn, responds,’ Good morning, teacher.’ She says. ‘How are you?’ ‘Jose answers, ‘Fine,thanks. And you?’ The teacher replies, ‘Fine.’ He understands through the teacher’s gestures that he is to turn,says her lines in reply to him. When she has finished, she greets the student on the other side of her. This chain continues until all of the students have a chance to ask and answer the question. Then the teacher moves next to the second major phase of the lesson. She continues to drill the students with language from the dialog, but these drill require more than simple repetition.
The first drill the teacher leads is a single-slot substitution drill in which the student will repeat a sentence from the dialog and replace a word or phrase in the sentence with the word or phrase the teacher gives them. This word or phrase is called the clue. The teacher begins by reciting a line from the dialog, ‘I am going to the post office,’ Following this she shows the students a picture of a bank and says the phrase, ‘The bank. ‘She pauses,then says, ‘I’am going to the bank. ‘From her example the students realize that they are supposed to take the cue phrase, (‘the bank.‘), which the teacher supplies, and put it into its proper place in the sentence. Now she gives them their first cue phrase, ‘The drugstore. ‘Together the students respond, ‘I am going to the drugstore. The students chorus, ‘I am going to the park,’ Other cues she offers in turn are ‘the cafe,’ ‘The supermarket,’ ‘the bus station,’ ‘the football field,’ ‘and ‘the librsry.’ Each cue is accompanied by a picture as before. After thr students have gone through the drill sequence three times, the teacher no longer provides a spokencue phrase instead she simply shows the pictures one at a tim, and the students repeat the entire sentence, putting the name of the place in the picture in the appropriate slot in the sentence.This substitution drill is slightly more difficult for the student since they have to change the form of the verb ‘be’ , ‘to’ ,’is’, ‘or’, ‘are’, depending on which subject pronounthe teacher gives them.
Instead, after going through the drill a few times suplying oral cues, the teacher points to a boy in the class and the studens understand they are to use the pronoun’he’ in the sentence. Finally, the teacher increases the complexity of the task by leading the students in a multiple-slot substitution drill. This is essentially the same type of drill as the single-slot the teacher just used. However with this drill, students must recognize what part of speech the cue word is and where it fits into the sentence. The sthen they must make a decision concerning where the cue word or phrase belongs in the sentence also supplied by the teacher. The teacher in this class starts off by having the students repeat the originalom the dialog. ‘I am going to the post office’. Then she gives them the cue’she.’ The students understand and produce, ‘She is going to the post office,’ the next cue the teacher offers is ‘to the park.’ The student hesitate at first; then they respond by correctly producing, ‘She is going to the park.’ She continues in this manner, sometimes providing a subject pronoun, other times naming a location.
The substitution drills are followed by a transformation drill. This type of drill asks students to change one type of sentence into another-an affirmative sentence into a negative or an active sentence into a passive., for example, ‘I say, “She is going to the post office.” You make a question by saying, “Is she going to the post office?”
The teacher models ttwo more examples of this transformation, then asks, ‘Does everyone understand? OK,lets begin. “They are going to the bank.” “The class replies in turn, ‘Are they going to the bank?’ They transform approximately fifteen of these patterns, and then the teacher decides they are ready to move on to a question-and-answer drill. The teacher holds up one of the pictures she used earlier, the picture of a football field,and aaks the class. ‘Are you going to the football field?’ she answer, ‘ Yes, I’m going to the football fiel.,’ She poses the next question while holding up a picture of a park, ‘Are you going to the park?’ And again answer herself, ‘Yes, I’m going to the park.’ She holds up a third picture, the one of a library?’ She poses a question to the class, ‘Are you going to library?’ They respond together,going to the library.’
‘Very Good,’the teacher says. Through her action and examples, the students have learned that they are to answer the questions following the patterns she has modelled. The teacher drill them with this pattern for the nextfew minutes. Since the students can handle it, she poses the question to selected individuals rapidly, one after another. The students are expected to respond very quikly,without pausing. She works a little longer on this question-and-answer drill, sometimes providing her students with situations that require a negative answer and sometimes encouragement to each student. She holds up pictures and poses question one right after another,but the students seem to have no trouble keeping up with her. The only time she changes the rhythm is when a student seriously mispronounces a word. When this occurs she restates the word and work briefly with student until his pronunciation is closer to her own.
The students have learned the lines of the dialog and to respond without hesitation to her cues in the drill lesson later this week the teacher will do the following:
1. Review the dialog
2. Expand upon the dialog by adding a few more lines, such as ’I am going to the post office. I need a few stamps.’
3. Drill the new lines and introduce some new vocabulary items through the new lines, for example:
‘I am going to the supermarket. I need a little nutter.’
‘... library ... few books.’
‘ drugstore. ... little medicine.’
4. Work on the difference between mass and count nouns, contrasting ‘a little/a few’ with mass and count nouns respectively. No grammar rule will ever be given to the students. The students will be led to figure out the rules from their work with the examples the teacher provides.
5. A contrastive analysis (the comparison of two language, in thia case, the students’ native language and the target language,English) has led the teacher to expect that the students will have special trouble with the pronunciation of words such as ‘little,’ which contain/l/. The student di indeed say the wor as if it contained/iy/. As a result, the teacher works on the contrast between /iy/ and /l/ several times during the week. She uses minimal-pair words, such as’sheep,’ ‘ship,’; ‘leave,’ ‘live’; and ‘he’s, ‘his’ to get her student first to hear the difference in pronunciation between the words in each pair.
6. Sometime toward the end of the week the teacher writes the dialog on the blackboard. Then the students copy the dialog in their notebooks. They also do some limited written work with the dialog. In one exercise the teacher has erased fifteen selected words from the expanded dialog. The students hato rewrite the dialog in their notebooks, supplying the missing words without looking at the complete dialog theycopied earlier.
7. On Friday the teacher leads the class in the ‘supermsrket alphabet game.’ The game stsrta with a students who needs a food item beginning with the letter ‘A.’ The students say, ‘I am going to the supermarket. I need a few apples.’ The next student says, ‘I need a little bread (or ‘a few bannas” or any other food item you could find i the supermarket beginning with the letter “B”). The third student continues, ‘I am going to the supermarket. He need a few apples,she need a little bread and I need a little cheese.’
The game continues with each player adding an item that begins with the next letter in the alphabet.
8. A presentation by the teacher on supermarket in the USA follows the game. The teacher tries very hard to get meaning across in English. The teacher answer the students question about the differences between supermarket in the USA and open-air markets in Mali. They also discuss briefly the differences between American and Malian football. The studentS seem very interested in the discussion.


At this point we should turn to the ten question we have answered for each method we have considered so far:..
1. What are the goals of teacher who use the Audio-Lingual Method?
Teacher want their students to be able to use the target language communicatively. In order to do this, the. In order to do this, they believe students need to overlearn the target language, to learn to use it automatically without stopping to think.
2. What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?
The teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the language behavior of her students. She also responsible for providing her students with a goodmodel for immitators of the teacher’s model or the tapes she supllies of model speakers.
3. What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?
New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialog. The dialog are learned through imitation and repetition. Drill (such as repetition,backward build-up,chain,substitution,tranformation,and question-and-answer) are conducted based upon the pattern present in the -ialog. Grammar is induced from the examples given; explicit grammar rules are not provided.
4. What is the nature of student-teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student interaction?
There is student-to-student interaction in chain drills or when students take different roles in dialog,but this interaction is teacher-directed.
5. How are the feelings of the students dealt with?
There are no priciples of the method that relate to this area.
6. How is the language viewed? How is the culture viewed?
The view of language in the Audio-Lingual Method has been influenced by descriptive linguists. Every language is seen as having its own unique system. The system is comprised of several different levels phonological,morphological, and syntactic. Each levels has its own distinctive patterns.
7. What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized?
Vocabulary is kept to minimum while the students are mastering the sound system and grammatical patterns. A grammatical pattern is not the same as a sentence. For instance,underlying the following three sentences is the same grammatical pat ern: Meg called,The Blue Jayswon,The team practiced.
The natural order of skills presentation is adhered to: listening,speaking,reading, and wriiting. The oral/aural skills receive most of the attention. Pronunciation is taught from the beginning, often by students working in language laboratories on discriminating between members of minimal pairs.
8. What he role of the student’s native language?
The habits of the students’ native language are thought to interfere with the students’ attempt to master the target language. A contrastive analysis between the students' native language and the target language will reveal where a teacher should expect the most interference.
9. How is eveluation accomplished?
The answer to the question is not obvious because we did not actually observe the students in the class taking a formal test. If we had, we would have seen that it was discrete-point in nature,that is, each question on the test would focus on only, one point of the language at a time.
10. How does the teacher respond to student errors?
Student errors are to be avoided if at all possible through the teacher’s awarences of where the students will have difficulty and restriction of what they are taught to say.

IF you agree with the above answer, you may wish to implement the following techniques; of course,evwn if you do not agree, there may be techniques describe below that you are already using or can adapt to your approach.
Dialogs or short conversation between two people are often used to begin a new lesson. Students memorize th dialog through mimicry; student usually take the role of one person in the dialog, and the teacher the other. Another way of practicing the two roles is for half of the class to take one role and the other half to take the other. In the Audio-Lingual Method, certain sentence patterns and grammar points are included within the dialog. These patterns and points are later practiced in drills based on the lines of the dialog.
This drill is used when a long line of a dialog is giving students trouble. The teacher vreaks down the line into several parts. Then, following the teacher’s cue, the students expand what they are repeating part by part untill they are able to repeAT the entire lines. The teacher begins with the part at the end of the sentence (works backward from there) to keep the int keep the intonation of the line as natural as possible.
Students are asked to repeat the teacher’s model as accurately and as quickly as possible. This drill is often u sed to teach the lines of the dialog.
A chain driil gets its name from the chain of conversation that forms around the room as students, one-by-one, ask and answer question of each other. The teacher begins the chain by gretting a particultural student or asking him a question. A chain drill allows some controlled communication, eventhough it is limited. A chain drill also gives the teacher an oppoturnities to check each student’s sprech.
The teacher says a line,usually from the dialog then she says a word or a phrase-caalled cue. The major purpose of this drill is to give the students practice in finding and filling in the slots of a sentence.
This drill is similiar to the single-slot substitution drill. The difference is that the teacher gives cue phrase,one at time, that fit into different slots in the dialog line.
The teacher gives students a certain kind of sentence pattern, an affirmative sentence for example. Other example of transformation to ask of student are changing a statement into a question, an active sentence into a passive one,or direct speech into reported speech.

This drill gives student practice with answering questions. The students should answer the teacher’s questions very quikly. This gives students practice with the question patterns.

The teacher pairs of words which differ in only one sound. For example: ‘ship/sheep’. Student ask to they teacheo read it and difference two words. The teacher selects the sounds to work on after she has done a contrastive analysis, a comparison between the students’ native language an dthe language they are studying.

Selected words are erased from a dialog students have learned. Students complete the dialog by filling the blanks with the missing words.

Games like the supermarket alphabet game described in this chapter are used in the Audio Lingual Method. The games are designed to get students to practice a grammar point within a context and it is rather limited in this game.


In suggestopedia we do not talk about infantilization in the clinical sense of the word, nor of infantility. Infantilization in the process of education is a normal phenomenon connected with authority (prestige). Infantilization in suggestopedia must be understood roughly as memories of the pure and naive state of a child to whom someone is reading, or who is reading on his own. He is absorbing the wonderful world of the fairytales. This world brings him a vast amount of information and the child absorbs it easily and permanently.

Intonation is strongly connected with the rest of the suggestive elements. The intonation in music and speech is one of the basic expressive means, with formidable form-creating influence and potential in many psycho-physiological directions. “Learning is state of mind dependent”. When varying your voice you “reach” different “states of mind”.

Concert pseudo-passivity (concentrative psychorelaxation)

An important moment in suggestopedia. The artistic organisation of the suggestopedic educational process creates conditions for concert pseudopassivity in the student. In this state the reserve capabilities of the personality are shown most fully. The concert pseudopassivity (concentrative psychorelaxation) overcomes the antisuggestive barriers, creating a condition of trust and infantilization in the student, who in a naturally calm state accompanied by a state of meditation without special autogenic training can absorb and work over a huge quantity of information. In this state both brain hemispheres are activated”. (Creating Wholeness through Art; by Evelina Gateva p.28)

Successful classroom atmosphere

For a successful classroom atmosphere, Lozanov maintains these three elements should be present:


A nurturing, supportive atmosphere in which the student feels free to try out the new information, be inventive with it, make mistakes without being put down, and, in general, enjoy the learning experience.


The material should be presented in a structured fashion, combining the Big Picture, Analysis and Synthesis. Every moment should be a didactic experience even when the learning process is not that apparent.


The classroom should not be cluttered with too many posters and unnecessary objects, otherwise we don’t see them. We go into overwhelm. Good quality pictures should be displayed and changed every few days. Music can be played as the students enter the room, and during the breaks. Plants and flowers add to a pleasant atmosphere. If the chairs are arranged in a U-shape, there is a better communication possible between the teacher and students and among the students themselves.


Music as a suggestive, relaxing medium. Lozanov researched a wide variety of means for presenting material to be learned which would facilitate the mentally relaxed, receptive state of mind he had found to be optimal for learning.

Yoga exercises, breathing techniques, special speech intonations were all tried with varying degrees of success. None of them, however, was found acceptable by nearly all cultural norms and belief systems.

Music proved to be the ideal medium, both for the purpose or creating a mentally relaxed state and for providing a vehicle for carrying the material to be learned into the open, receptive mind.

Music can become a powerful facilitator of holistic full-brain learning. After conducting numerous controlled experiments using a wide variety of music, Lozanov concluded that music of the Classical and Early Romantic periods was most effective for the first presentation of material to be learned. The music of Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven is dramatic, emotionally engaging, and ordered, harmoniously structured. It stimulates, invites alertness, and its harmony and order evoke ease and relaxation. For the second concert presentation of material Lozanov found that Baroque music was especially suited. The music of Bach, Händel, Vivaldi, Telemann, Corelli (among others) has a less personal, more rigorously structured quality, providing a background of order and regularity which supports very well the more straight-forward presentation of material during the second concert.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010


Direct method is also not new. It also have been applied by language teacher for many years. It was review when the goal of the instruction became learning how to use a foreign language to communicate since the Grammar-Translation-Method was not very effective in preparing student to use the target language communicatively, the Direct Method became popular.
The Direct Method has one very basic rules : No translation is allowed. In fact, The Direct Method receives its name fro the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of demonstrations and visual aids, with no resources to the students’ native language (Diller 1978).

There is many technique of the Direct Method you can adapt to your own approach to teaching. The following expanded review of the techniques to provides you with some details which will help you to teaching with the Direct method.

Students take turns reading sections of a passage, play, or dialog out loud. At the ends of each student turn, the teacher use gestures, picture, regalia, examples, or other means to eke the meaning of the section clear.

This exercise is conducted only in the target language. Students are asked question and answer I full sentences so that the practice in new words and grammatical structures. They have the opportunity to ask questions as well as answer them.


The teacher of this class has the students self-correct by asking them to make a choice between what the said and the alternative answer that the teacher supplied. There are, however, other ways of getting students to get the self-correct. For example, a teacher might simply repeat what a student has just said using a questioning voice to signal to the student that something what’s wrong with it. Another possibility is for the teacher to repeat what the student said, stopping just before the error. The students knows that’s the next word has wrong.

The teacher asks the students a number of questions in the target language, which the students have to understand to be able to answer correctly. In the class observed, the teacher asked individual students question about themselves. The question contained a particular grammar structure. Later, the students were able to ask each other their own question using the same grammatical structure.

This technique has already been discussed in the Grammar-Translation Method, but differs in its application in the direct method. All the items are in the target language; furthermore, no explicit grammar rule would be applied. The student would have included the grammar rule they need to applied fill in the blanks from examples and practice with earlier parts of the lessons.


The teacher reads the passage three times. The first times the teacher reads it at a normal speed, while the students just listen. The second time The teacher reads the passage phrase by phrase, pausing long enough to allow the students to write down what they have heard. The last time the teacher again reads at a normal speed, and students check their works.

The teacher in this class asked the students to write a paragraph in their own words of the topic same as the passage. They could have done this from memory, or they could used the reading passage in the lesson as a model.

Intend student to learn how to communicate in the target language. In order to do this successfully, students should learn to think in the target language.

The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching/learning process.

Teacher who use the Direct Method believe students need to associate meaning and the target language directly. In order to do this, when the teacher introduces a new target language word or phrase, he demonstrates its meaning through the use of regalia, pictures, or pantomime; he never translates it into the student natives language.


Language is primary spoken, or written. Therefore, students study common, every day speech in the target language. They also study culture consisting of the history of the people who speak the target language, the geography of the countries where the language is spoken, and information about the daily lives of the speaker of the language.

The teacher, employing various techniques tries to get students to self-correct whenever possible.

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

The Grammar Translation Method

Grammar-Translation Method or it called the Classic Method first time it was used in the teaching of the classical language, Latin and Greek (Chastain 1988). This method was used for the purpose of helping student read and appreciate foreign language literature. Finnaly foreign language learning would help students grow intellectually; it was recognized it that students would probably never use the target language the mental exercise of learning it would be beneficial anyway.

As we enter the class room, the class, the class in the middle of reading a passage in except entitled ‘The Boys’ Ambition’ from Mark Twain’s Life on the Mississippi

What are the goals of teacher who use the Grammar Translation Method ?
A fundamental purpose learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature writing in the target language. In addition, it is believed that studying foreign language provides students with good mental exercises which help the develop their minds.

What is the rule of the teacher? and what is the rule of the students?
The roles are very traditional. The teacher is the authority in the class room. The student do as she says so they can learn what she knows
How is the language viewed? How is culture viewed?
Literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language that students study.

What is the Role of the students native language?

Written tests in which students are asked to translate from their native language to the target language or vice versa are often used.

Translation of Literary Passage
Student translate a reading passage from the foreign language into their native language.

Reading Comprehension Questions
Student answere question in the target language based on their understanding of the reading passage.

Students give one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the reading passage.

Students are taught to recognize between the languages by learning the spellingor sounds patterns that correspond between the languages.

Deductive Application Rule
Grammar rules are presented with examples.

Student are given a series of sentence with words missing.

Student are given list of target language vocabulary words and their natives language equivalences and are asked to memorize them.

Use Words in Sentences
In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new vocabulary item, they make up sentences in which they use the new words.

- The class is reading an article from book, the student will be able to read literature written in a foreign language. Literary language is superior to spoken language.

- Translate the articles, an importan goal is for student to be able to translate each language into the other.

- The teach ask the students in their native languages, principles it to train the ability to communicate in the target language is not agoal of foreign language instruction.

- Student write out the answers to reading coprehenshion questions, the primmary skill to developed are reading and writing.

- The teacher decides wether an answer is correct or not, the teacher authority in the classroom. It is very immportant that the student get the correct answer.

- Students translated new words from foreign language to native language, its possible to find the native language equivealentes for all target language words.

- Student are given a grammmar rules of phrasal verbs, students learns from of the target language.

- Student apply a rule to examples they are given, deductive application of an explicit grammar rules is a useful pedagogical technique.

- Students memorize vocabulary, learning providers good memntal exercise.

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Cipatujah Beach " The Widest and Longest Beach in South Region of West Java "

Location : Tasikmalaya Regency

Cipatujah beach is one of the longest and widest beaches in West Java, located in tourism strip of Tasikmalaya to Pangandaran.

The south beach of Tasikmalaya, or it has been known as Cipatujah Beach, is one of nature attraction. Its main feature is marine tourism. This object is under Tourism office of Tasikmalaya Regency management. The Cipatujah beach covers at least 115 hectares area, located about 91 km from Tasikmalaya.

The beauty of Cipatujah beach is blend of slope slightly coastal, big waving sea and a fertile coconut plantation.The characteristic of Cipatujah beach there is a shepherd of buffalo because the beach is supported with grass field which is enough for feeding livestock. The shepherds sometimes arrange attraction of Buffalo racing just for filling blankness of time, accompanied with traditional music instrument such as Kendang, Angklung and performance of Pencak which is can be watching by local and foreign visitor every time.

In Cipatujah Beach you can enjoy a wide white sand beach with a beautiful panorama and local performances which can give you a truly unforgettable vacation.

The south beach of Tasikmalaya have tour potency spread out from Cipatujah to Cikalong. Tourist attractions that have been realized are Sindangkerta, Pamayangsari, and Karangtawulan Beaches, all of them are included in Cipatujah Sub District’s territory. The objects of Cikalong Sub District are Mandalajaya and Sindangjaya Beaches. Beside of these objects, there are many other objects. Many big rivers empties into The south beach of Tasikmalaya made beautiful nature panorama in their surroundings and they are potentially packaged into tourist attraction.