Selasa, 17 November 2009

Cipatujah Beach " The Widest and Longest Beach in South Region of West Java "

Location : Tasikmalaya Regency

Cipatujah beach is one of the longest and widest beaches in West Java, located in tourism strip of Tasikmalaya to Pangandaran.

The south beach of Tasikmalaya, or it has been known as Cipatujah Beach, is one of nature attraction. Its main feature is marine tourism. This object is under Tourism office of Tasikmalaya Regency management. The Cipatujah beach covers at least 115 hectares area, located about 91 km from Tasikmalaya.

The beauty of Cipatujah beach is blend of slope slightly coastal, big waving sea and a fertile coconut plantation.The characteristic of Cipatujah beach there is a shepherd of buffalo because the beach is supported with grass field which is enough for feeding livestock. The shepherds sometimes arrange attraction of Buffalo racing just for filling blankness of time, accompanied with traditional music instrument such as Kendang, Angklung and performance of Pencak which is can be watching by local and foreign visitor every time.

In Cipatujah Beach you can enjoy a wide white sand beach with a beautiful panorama and local performances which can give you a truly unforgettable vacation.

The south beach of Tasikmalaya have tour potency spread out from Cipatujah to Cikalong. Tourist attractions that have been realized are Sindangkerta, Pamayangsari, and Karangtawulan Beaches, all of them are included in Cipatujah Sub District’s territory. The objects of Cikalong Sub District are Mandalajaya and Sindangjaya Beaches. Beside of these objects, there are many other objects. Many big rivers empties into The south beach of Tasikmalaya made beautiful nature panorama in their surroundings and they are potentially packaged into tourist attraction.

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